Our Grain Elevators

Kensington Grain Elevator

The elevator was constructed in 1971. The building is built entirely out of wood and has 6 steel grain storage tanks erected alongside the main building. The total storage capacity is 16,800 mt. The elevator has shipping, receiving and cleaning capacity of 50-60 mt per hour. An 80 foot truck scale installed in 2008 can weigh up to 60 tonnes. The facility can dry approximately 60-70 mt per hour with the installation of two new dryers in 2010/11.Products handled are Barley, Milling Wheat, Feed Wheat, Oats, Corn, 48% Meal and Soybeans. Soybeans can be further processed by an on site roaster and extruder.

The elevator has a truck with a blower and sucker unit that is able to deliver bulk and bags.

66 Old Summerside Rd, Kensington, PE C0B 1M0
How to reach us
Telephone/Fax: 902-836-8927
Wade Waddell
Plant Supervisor

Roseneath Grain Elevator

The PEI #2 elevator at Roseneath was constructed in 1977. The original structure was entirely of concrete silos. Additional metal bins have been added to bring the total capacity to 12,000 metric tonnes. The elevator has a receiving, shipping and cleaning (through the rotary cleaner) capacity of approximately 60 tonnes per hour. The drying capacity of the Brock Meyer propane grain dryer is between 40 to 60 tonnes per hour, depending on the commodity and moisture levels. This dryer, which was installed in 2008, has a nice feature called a burner cycle timer which allows for faster drying of soybeans with less splitting.

A truck scale also installed in 2008, allows the elevator to weigh trucks up to 80 feet long with a weight up to 63,000 kgs.

Products handled include Barley, Wheat (milling and feed), Oats, Soybeans (raw, roasted, extruded and 48% meal) and Corn.

The elevator is equipped to supply bulk or bagged product and delivery services are available. Custom services include, weighing of trucks, cleaning, grading and testing of grain.

1756 Georgetown Rd, Cardigan, PE C0A 1G0
How to reach us
Telephone: 902-838-0891
Fax: 902-838-0892
Joseph Vandenberghe
Plant Supervisor

Elmsdale Grain Elevator

The Elmsdale elevator was built in 1978 and is constructed of concrete and steel. It has 24 different bins ranging in size from 12 to 1200 tonnes with a total capacity of 13,950 metric tonnes. In 2008 the elevator purchased a Brock Myer grain dryer that can dry up to 60 tonnes per hour. A 80 foot truck scale that can weigh up to 60 tonnes was also installed in 2008.

Products handled include Barley, Oats, Milling Wheat, Feed Wheat, Soybean (raw, roasted and extruded) Corn, and 48% Soybean Meal.

The elevator is also equipped to deliver bulk and bagged grain, grading and testing of grain.

39769 Western Rd, Alberton, PE C0B 1B0
How to reach us
Telephone/Fax: 902-853-8630
Donald Stewart
Plant Supervisor