PEI GEC Update

New crop soybean contracts are at $ 397 / mt  fob the GEC elevators


Price is subject to confirmation at time of call.
More Trump effect on the markets . ( Because of the possible shutdown of congress by the goverment.)
 A struggling U.S. dollar this week has lifted  commodity prices across the board, and considering the continued need for export sales progress, the currency’s prospects will continue to be influential to grain prices. The lower SA currency stole away some of the usual export volume from the US in December.
Export numbers are ok , but not great and the weather issues in SA are not exciting to traders at this time due to high carryout numbers on all commodities. The Can $ is currently at $ .80475 at this time.
Locally Grains are moving at a steady pace off farm to customers and prices are trading sideways as imported cheap Corn is keeping a lid on the market .